About Me

I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland, College Park, working in the GAMMA lab under the guidance of Dr. Dinesh Manocha. My research focuses on robotics, particularly in navigation and perception.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Navigation
  • Perception
  • PhD Robotics

    the University of Maryland, College Park

  • MEng Robotics

    the University of Maryland, College Park

Recent News
  • We have 3 papers accepted by IROS 2024.
  • I’m going to give a presentation in the North Carolina State University in Nov 2024.
Papers Under Submission
(2024). BehAV: Behavioral Rule Guided Autonomy Using VLMs for Robot Navigation in Outdoor Scenes.
(2024). CSCPR: Cross-Source-Context Indoor RGB-D Place Recognition.
(2024). ET-Former: Efficient Triplane Deformable Attention for 3D Semantic Scene Completion From Monocular Camera.
(2024). On the safety concerns of deploying llms/vlms in robotics: Highlighting the risks and vulnerabilities.
(2024). VLM-Social-Nav: Socially Aware Robot Navigation through Scoring using Vision-Language Models.
(2024). GND: Global Navigation Dataset with Multi-Modal Perception and Multi-Category Traversability in Outdoor Campus Environments.
(2024). Deep Stochastic Kinematic Models for Probabilistic Motion Forecasting in Traffic. In IROS 2024.
(2024). DTG: Diffusion-based Trajectory Generation for Mapless Global Navigation. In IROS 2024.
(2024). PoCo: Point Context Cluster for RGBD Indoor Place Recognition. In IROS 2024.
(2024). Mtg: Mapless trajectory generator with traversability coverage for outdoor navigation. In ICRA 2024.
(2023). GrASPE: Graph based Multimodal Fusion for Robot Navigation in Outdoor Environments. In RA-L 2023.
(2023). MSVIPER. In JWAS 2023.
(2022). Adaptiveon: Adaptive outdoor local navigation method for stable and reliable actions. In RA-L 2022.
(2022). Terrapn: Unstructured terrain navigation using online self-supervised learning. In IROS 2022.
(2022). Terrapn: Unstructured terrain navigation using online self-supervised learning. In CVPR 2023.
(2022). Image-goal navigation in complex environments via modular learning. In RA-L 2022.
(2021). OF-VO: Efficient Navigation Among Pedestrians Using Commodity Sensors. In RA-L 2021.
(2021). Autonomous social distancing in urban environments using a quadruped robot. In IEEE Access.
(2020). DenseCAvoid: Real-time Navigation in Dense Crowds using Anticipatory Behaviors. In ICRA 2020.